Markoti Shetland Lamb Fleece

I washed about 1/5 of a fleece I received 2 weeks ago from Donna, it's a Shetland Lamb named Markoti. Its fleece is super clean and white. It's so crimpy and soft. 

I have yet to have the time this week to commit to washing too much, I'll finish the fleece this coming week and then do Frued's the next. I decided to comb the lamb's wool this time. 

I wish I had bought the finer combs since I really enjoy spinning the finer wools. still, as you can see by the photos the combed top did turn out amazing and soft. 

I'm just going to post all my photos of this right now and will continue this post when I create new things with this lovely wool.  

I thought to pull apart the locks in sections and wash, but honestly, the fleece was so clean I could just soak it in a cold water bath overnight, then 2 good washes and 1 rince was all it needed. It dried in the sun quickly, and I ran a small bit of it in my drum carder but I honestly I think I like the combed top much better. 

The first photo was of the actual fleece, and the 2nd is after the wash.

I combed out 4 small nests and then spun them into one single yarn, using the chain method. This created a small sample for me at only .3 ounces and about a baby fingering or sport at most. I'll have to test it against my rulers once I was and dry it to set the twist. 

Photos of my combs, my spinning and the finished sample.


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