Wooly Christmas Tree


At a craft show, I saw a lot of Christmas trees, made from yarns and fabrics and I got the idea to spin up my own art yarn and create a tree of my own. Of course, creating for others is more fun, so I decided I would make this tree for my mom for Christmas this year. 

I spun this from wool I had made from several fleeces I purchased this year.  I hand-dyed all the wool as well for the project. The darker green and pinks are from Pierre a Leicester Longwool sheep from MI, and the curly bright green is from Gloria a Teeswater fleece I bought from Georgia.  The white is fluff from here in Tennessee a farm near MoutEagle that is a cross of Gulf Coast Native and Poly sheep mix. This sheep's name was Little My and I made a lot of things from it already.  

I spun it with some silver and green firestarter sparkle I picked up at a fiber festival this fall. I added a fwe things of lace and some green ribbon too. I used tiny flat pins to poke into a styrofoam tree form and when I was done, I added tiny little fairy lights that I had. 


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