Oh My Stars

Couldn't resist whipping up this quilt top last night using up some pinks and older valentine fabric I had along with a few new ones from Joann's that were 70% off already. I thought I'd make a quick throw for the hubby to let him know I do think of him when I'm lost in the sewing area.  Pat Sloan offered this pattern free I think about a week or two ago. She did it in blues too and it was beautiful. It came together super fast with the 5-inch blocks. Just love Pat Sloan and all her awesome patterns and directions. Gotta make the borders yet.

Took a tiny break away from my Good Fortune tonight to get this top done and I feel so accomplished. My Good Fortune one is coming along awesome too, Just to sew the rows together and all the borders are together, just have to sew it all together. A few more nights and it'll be done! I don't know if I'll be happy or sad, it was a lot of fun!


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